Following Student Progress

The following are school-wide data sources used to monitor student progress:

1. IXL – VCS has been using IXL for four years. It is a great tool to help students practice skills and concepts in Language Arts and Math. Our teachers are able to observe in real-time which students are mastering the skills, as well as which students are struggling.

2. Star 360– This is a web-based program used by VCS to assess students in grades 1-6 in reading and math.  It will provide a National Percentile Rank and Student Growth Percentile scores.  Each teacher will discuss those scores at parent-teacher conferences.  Our Kindergarten and First grade students will be taking an Early Literacy test to follow their progress.  

3. Terra Nova 3 – VCS has been using Terra Nova for many years. It is a norms-referenced (schools are compared to other schools) standardized test that is taken once in the spring. Like Star 360, it also provides for us a National Percentile Rank, along with Lexile Scores, and many other important data.

4. Classroom – Arguably the most important data source for how your child is progressing is classroom activities, assignments, projects, and assessments. Each week, teachers input grades into FACTS so that you can view your child’s progress online. You can find details about FACTS and how to check your child’s grades here: