About VCS Athletics


At Valley Christian School, we believe that, in addition to academics, a student’s intellectual, physical, and spiritual development is enhanced by involvement in athletics. The purpose of our athletic program is to allow students to develop their minds, bodies, and souls through hard work and healthy competition. We focus on teaching our athletes to constantly improve, win, and lose graciously and in a fashion that glorifies God. Here are some benefits of our athletic program:  

1.  Health/mental and physical – Exercise in general promotes health. We encourage our athletes to take nutrition seriously and treat their bodies well. 

2. Sports help keep children out of trouble – Children involved in sports are less likely to get in trouble. Participating in athletics teaches accountability to a group, and that accountability often carries positive lifelong ramifications.   

3. Social Interaction Athletics provide a ready-made social network for children. For a child who has difficulty finding his niche in school or just fitting in, athletics can offer the camaraderie and support that he is lacking elsewhere.  Athletics create friendships, accountability to friends, school, and family, and real human interaction.  

4. Encouraging Sportsmanship – Athletics really encourage sportsmanship. Winning and losing is part of any sport. Children who participate in athletics learn how to win graciously (if taught to do so) and how to accept loss. Our focus is on the development of our young athletes, not winning or losing. 

5. Commitment – Athletics teach commitment. Children have to attend practice to succeed, they have to attend and participate in team meetings, and they have to show up for events. The children learn that their actions not only affect themselves, but affect their teammates as well. 

6. Self-Esteem/Confidence – With positive coaching and teaching, children develop positive self-esteem and confidence. Athletics give children the opportunity to learn, achieve, and feel good about themselves through skill development and goal-oriented activities.

7. Grades/Academics – Athletics can make children better students. Athletics teach children to focus their minds on a task at hand and to manage their time effectively as they juggle school, sports, and a social life. Academics are of utmost importance and participation in sports is a reward for those who maintain good grades and good behavior.   

8. There is No "I" in Teamwork – Children can learn all sorts of valuable lessons through athletics. Sharing, listening, and following group rules are fundamentals. Being part of a group and learning to accept coaching (particularly the constructive kind) are valuable benefits of athletics for children. Children can learn fundamental life skills, such as teamwork, goal-setting, and hard work.

Student Expectations:

Except for age requirements, our sports programs are open for participation to all students. 

For the track program:     

  • Conduct – as outlined in Athletic Expectations

  • Academic standards – 2.0 GPA - C Average

  • Grade checks – We do check grades and the athlete will not be able to compete if academically ineligible.

  • Ten practices are needed before competing in a meet.

  • Physical examinations last for two years and must be updated before participating in practices.

Parent Expectations:

Parental involvement is necessary to the success of your athlete. We need your help, including transporting children, keeping on top of your children academically, and promoting fair play and good sportsmanship at all times. It is important that you let the coaches coach and involve yourself in the coaching only as requested by the coaches.

We understand the desire and importance of parents to be involved in their children’s sports. For soccer parents, we have pizza nights where parents and athletes get together to get to know each other and form long-lasting bonds. We also have a parent vs. student soccer game at the end of each season so the parents can experience the growth of their children firsthand.

Parents and athletes need to be aware of the expectations that govern the program. Respect for the coaches, the athletic director, and school administration are incredibly important for the success of our team. Athlete (and parent) behavior and responsibilities to the team are taken seriously. VCS values each member of the team, and as such, we will not tolerate any conduct that undermines a teammate, coach, or school representative.